Holding Professionals Responsible For Medical Malpractice

Surgeons Operating on a Patient at the Surgery Room

Symptoms of Surgical Errors

Surgical errors happen more often than you think. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), at least 4,000 surgical errors occur in the United States annually. What you might believe is just postoperative pain or discomfort could actually be a sign of a surgical error. Surgical errors are preventable, making them all the […]

Doctor misdiagnosising cancer to a worried patient

Misdiagnosis of Cancer: Why It Happens

Cancer is a disease characterized by out-of-control cell growth. It can happen anywhere in the body and spread rapidly. Due to the nature of the disease being able to thrive within the body, a patient’s symptoms can vary, and the diagnosis is based on a multitude of things, such as blood analyses and biopsies. Cancer […]

The dangers of medication errors and how to prevent them

Errors regarding medication are common, and they are also preventable. Medication errors can occur in many ways, and they result in adverse reactions and even death. There are various ways to prevent an error from occurring, and they can happen at different stages of the prescribing and dispensing processes. Dangers of, and the types of, […]

Is nursing staff exhaustion getting worse?

For years, the combination of overworked staff and understaffed hospitals has plagued the medical industry across the country. The demand for medical care is simply higher than the number of workers available, which causes immeasurable problems for staff and patients alike. But has this trend started to ease at all in recent times? Or are […]

How long should doctors spend with patients?

You understand that there are several things that make you unique and distinct from anyone else in New York. Knowing this, you also likely comprehend that your medical care will unlikely be exactly like that of someone else (even if that “someone else” suffers from the same or a similar condition). However, standards of care […]

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