If you’ve been seriously injured in an accident due to another person’s willful or negligent actions, you have every reason to seek an attorney’s assistance in order to get the compensation you’re due.
Yet, a lot of people hesitate to seek representation as promptly as they should. They disadvantage themselves when dealing with the other party’s insurance company because they’ve bought into one or more damaging myths they’ve heard about personal injury attorneys, like:
1. They’re all “ambulance chasers.”
Insurance companies like to portray accident attorneys as greedy, aggressively pursuing claims that aren’t really valid.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. A wise personal injury attorney will always carefully evaluate someone’s claim before deciding to take it. There’s no point in pursuing a worthless claim and no attorney wants to put a ton of energy and time into a claim that isn’t going to pass inspection.
2. It costs too much.
Most personal injury claims are handled on a contingency fee basis. That means the attorney doesn’t get paid unless you collect. While you may be able to settle a claim on your own and avoid paying an attorney, you likely will settle for far less than the claim is worth because you don’t have the experience to know how your injuries and losses should be valued. You can bet that the insurance company sure isn’t going to tell you!
3. Hiring an attorney will just make the insurance company mad.
Hiring someone to represent you does not guarantee that you’ll end up in court. In fact, it may help you avoid it. Experienced injury attorneys know when to push a claim harder and when it is time to settle — but they won’t settle for less than you deserve, either. The fact that you have someone representing you can encourage an insurance adjustor to make a settlement that’s fair, faster.
If you or your loved one need representation after an accident, contact our office directly to discuss your case.